Friday, June 1, 2012

The Last Fort

As I type this early Friday morning, my oldest son's alarm is going off (or "going on" as my literalist children insist). This is the day my oldest son has been yearning for since last August (takes after his father in that regard) as the last day of school is finally upon us.

And speaking of endings, the picture you see is Kael's last fort before summer hits & everything in his life is turned upside down.

I spent some time with him in the cozy confines of this shelter yesterday afternoon. We visited safe inside over a dimly lit flashlight & a slice of processed cheese, while his younger brother climbed in & out of the garrison (as you can see in the picture if you look close enough).

The moment certainly didn't last long enough.

It's no secret my heart is heavy these days. Big changes (& one particularly scary test) are staring our family in the face. Meanwhile, Kael turned five last week & our brief time together under his makeshift blankets represent his final days at home before summer's tumultuous arrival, followed by his start of school in a few short months.

As mentioned in a previous post, I must go away now for a while. So this shall be my final blog for a season. Last day of school. Last post. Last fort. How the years pass us by.

1 comment:

  1. Time is definitely precious! I'm glad you were able to spend some time with him. It means tons to them.
