Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Currier & Ives

December was once hands down my favorite month of the year. That was long before I had the responsibility of making rent, paying monthly utilities, & taking out a loan for a tank of gas while simultaneously not letting little ones down. I guess it's safe to say I find myself not nearly as enthused about the holidays as I once was. The religious community doesn't help either. Oh sure we talk a good talk with our "Remember the Reason for the Season" trite little worn out sayings but rest assured when the Christmas Eve service is dismissed we retire to our picturesque Currier & Ives cottages sporting our $150 wool sweaters for a little R&R by the fire for a cozy gift exchange.

Please don't misunderstand me, I certainly realize things could be worse. That being said, things could also be significantly better! In a nut shell, life should be doable. That means (& listen closely politicians who brag about creating a bazillion eight dollar an hour poverty level jobs on your watch) living in the greatest country on earth, some hay seed out in western Wyoming should be able to graduate high school, & go to work somewhere at 40 hours a week (not 70 & not 80, remember he works to live not the other way around), afford to drive & maintain dependable transportation (nothing sexy, just dependable mind you), save a little each month, pay his bills, catch a movie on Friday nights, & live in a safe, clean environment.

If we can put a man on the moon, feed legions of starving people overseas (which I'm not against) finance global wars for decades on end in countries that hate us anyway (which I'm also not against), & use tax payer's dollars to build the eighth wonder of the world aka Dallas Cowboy's Stadium (okay I'm against), we should by all means be able to do a much better job of MAKING LIFE DOABLE for the average nutin' special John Q. Public down in good ol' Anytown, U.S.A. wooden shoe agree?

Not talkin' Martha Stewart or John Kerry New England style homes quietly nestled into 3 million acres of lush backdrop with gated security, a circle drive & a posh cement pond down yonder. Not talkin' a canary yellow Dodge gas guzzlin' chick magnet Viper either. Let's stay grounded here people. We can do better. We MUST do better. Our future depends on it. Need I remind you Rome fell from within? We're only as good as our weakest link.

So how can we accomplish this? Easy! Cut wasteful government spending, reduce the size of big government, work smarter not harder, work more efficiently, but most importantly & BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY-LOWER TAXES FOR ALL PARTIES INVOLVED! COMPREND?

If we implement these necessary disciplines at this pivotal time in our nation's history I promise you many more Americans will have the opportunity to experience that picturesque Currier & Ives backdrop in Twenty Ten! Now THAT'S change we can ALL believe in! Am I right? Or am I right? Of course I'm right! Now get goin'! ;-)

Friday, December 25, 2009

For Unto Us

A man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. He lived an honorable and devout life. He was waiting for the one who would comfort Israel. The Holy Spirit was with Simeon & had told him that he wouldn't die until he had seen the Messiah, whom the Lord would send. Moved by the Spirit, Simeon went into the temple courtyard. Mary & Joseph were bringing the child Jesus into the courtyard at the same time. They brought him so that they could do for him what Moses' Teachings required. Then Simeon took the child in his arms & praised God by saying, 'Now, Lord, you are allowing your servant to leave in peace as you promised. My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people to see. He is a light that will reveal salvation to the nations & bring glory to your people Israel.' Gospel of Luke 2:25-32 GWT

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Don't Just Do Something, Stand There

For my 2.5 year old life is pretty simple. He wants his father's undivided attention, he wants to be held (but only when he wants to be held!), & he wants to play with his cars (namely "Kachow" as he calls him, or "Lightening McQueen" as he's better known by).

Leave it to his father however, to significantly complicate matters. I find I am guilty of similar habits I once criticized my mother for-like the way she always opted to sweep our driveway rather than to shoot hoops with me while I pretended to be Larry Bird in game six of the NBA Finals. Now it's many years later, my mother is deceased, & history is repeating itself.


At times, necessity dictates I suppose.

Such the delicate balancing act parents must relentlessly strive to achieve & sustain.

Oh btw, speaking of old retired sport's legends, I've noticed those are the only MEN on the face of this planet who can walk away from their day jobs in their mid 30's to spend more time with their children, & actually receive mountains of praise for it. The rest of us are labeled irresponsible & lazy if we dare follow suit.

I know, I know. It's because Joe Montana has more zeros at the end of his monthly bank statement than me & can afford to read the menu from left to right rather than right to left (although that may be changing for o'l Sweet Sixteen if Obama care goes through).

Rest assured though, Kael doesn't care about my burdensome student loans, electric bills or how many digital mp3 downloads his daddy sold last month. He's an in the moment kinda guy who lives for the here & now. He gives no thought to yesterday I've noticed. Nor does he really seem to be all that concerned about tomorrow strangely enough. And get this, most nights he sleeps like a baby! Co:

I am told senior adulthood is like entering a second childhood. If these rumors are substantiated, I pray my outlook & approach is a lot like Kael's. Perhaps John Ondrasik sums it up best in that - "It's not the breaths you take, it's how you breathe."

Friday, December 4, 2009

One Week Later

Amazing what a difference a week makes. I managed to snap this picture early this morning just as the precipitation was moving into our area. So it's a hurried pic but you still get the idea. Currently it is raining AS WELL AS snowing. That's right...both, simultaneously. Only in south Houston could one witness such an event I suppose. And quite the adventure getting the squeedunks safely to school this morning. Nevertheless, here's hoping the snow wins out & not only sticks, but hangs around for awhile. After all, the only thing that goes better with my Seattle's Best Breakfast Blend than eggs & bacon... is snow! Wooden Shoe agree? =o)