Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pitch, Cubits & Gopherwood

Amidst the struggles of a very trying & tiring week, found a few quiet moments one afternoon mid week, to share with Kael (condensed Cliffs Notes version mind you due to highly abbreviated attention span) the timeless story of Noah's Ark. He listened well for the most part. Having a toy ark on hand to further illustrate your story never hurts either eh? Time well spent. ;-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I suppose there was that life defining moment when young "Wolfy" came face to face with his first harpsichord, or lil' Danica settled in behind the wheel of her first go-kart. There simply must be that magical moment in each of us, when time slows, countless endorphins release, & a crystal clear path beckons our hearts to follow. But I confess, I'm not certain when or where my oldest son became completely devoted to some of our planet's greatest mysteries. What I do know is over the course of his brief life, the fascination has only intensified. I mean, I might be wrong, but I doubt there are too many other eight year old boys who, out of the clear blue, petition their father on the validity of the Pangaea Theory in the middle of the Wal-Mart bakery section while hanging onto the opposite end of the shopping cart for dear life.

Without question, if this interest persists into a future field of study, he will have an uphill battle. Reason being: modern science not only rejects Creationism, it scoffs in the face of it.

But much like his feisty, head strong, Irish, never-say-die mother stated after the crippling Obamacare passed the House & Senate, ensuring a much more difficult road in her chosen profession...''GAME ON!''

Though now entering only his tenth year of life, this little one is no stranger to adversity. Never be afraid to go it alone my precious son. The truth will sustain you forever. Happy Birthday Caleb.

I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. Psalm 119:30 NIV

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rise of the Pink Elephant

In case you've been detained, out of office, under the weather, or just flat out disengaged from the American congressional election process, the political equivalent of the "Thrilla in Manila" went down in the state of Delaware yesterday evening.

Once again, the puzzling arrogance of the corrupt media, & those taking up residence in our nation's Beltway, have underestimated the veracious power of John Q. Public.

Only lately, it's coming more & more in the form of Jane Q. Public.

Cynic w/ eyelids half shut: Now Chessking, why does some dull primary up in Yankeeville have anything to do with the cost of wheat down here in lil' ol' Bugtussel, Oklahoma? Besides, the ball game was on last night.

Chessking: Well, it's quite simple mate. You see, those drab elections way up yonder determine which candidates move on to congress who then determine not only the cost of that there wheat up theres in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, but what methods they are legally allowed to grow, harvest, & sell it to the good folks over there in Toad Suck, Arkansas...pawd-nuh.

Point #2: Elections are a nation's report card. For better or worse, they reflect the current pulse of our values (which is also why politics & religion are joined at the hip). Therefore, we the people largely determine our own fate by our actions OR INACTIONS. Simply put: we deserve the candidates we elect... Duh.

As I write, the worst congress in United State's history with the lowest approval rating ever, is about to be dethroned in roughly six weeks (God willin' & da creek don't rise!). And as I stated in a recent blog about insects come fall, "Good riddance to you all!" (with the exception of Minnesota's Michele Bachmann, who has managed not to lose her soul amidst the sea of corruption, back door deals, & unprecedented greed).

Christine O'Donell's unlikely victory last night, indicates a slumbering nation is awakening. She is but one of an unparalleled number of conservative female candidates on the ballet this November. True, some are billionaire ebay founders, but many are average housewives terrified of the direction our nation is heading.

I can't speak for you, but if I'm given the choice of a carefully groomed out of touch ivy league elitist, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, or a soccer mom who knows the hardships of shuttling children to & fro while roasting a chicken in the oven, while simultaneously dealing with more month left over at the end of her paycheck, I'll choose the battle tested mom every time!

I hope you will too. Your future, but more importantly, our children's future, depends on it.

You can help Christine O'Donnell by clicking here

Friday, September 10, 2010

What Really Lies At the End of the Rainbow

Ladies & gentlemen of the jury, I present to you three joyous, jubilant jumping beans...which begs the question "Who needs a pot of gold when you have a trampoline? Eh? I'll bet most rational three-year-olds would concur with my thought process on this matter. Come to think, why are there so many, songs about trampolines? And what's on the other side? ;0) I'll be here all weekend. Be sure to tip your waiters & waitresses. (du-dump-chhhh).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nine One

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. It signifies the end of my least favorite month, & the beginning of the end of Summer. Hurray! And as Calvin, from "Calvin & Hobbes" says, "Bugs are dying by the truckloads! Good riddance to you all!"

My sentiments exactly.

Pictured: A typical late Summer West Texas Sunset. Our clouds & sunsets are second to none!