Friday, September 11, 2009

The Song I Had to Write

heart of freedom
Oh say can you see
Through the fields of great uncertainty
Just beyond our gate of fears
Lies a pathway in the waiting

Battered from our perilous fight
Standing strong though slowly drifting
Through the darkest hour of night
Lies a pathway worth taking

From across a northern shore
Like a mighty lion's roar
With a voice I heard her say...
"Stand & fight with me this day"

Heart of Freedom beat for me
Holding high the light of liberty
Guardian of our way of life
Lead us safely through the night

Heart of Freedom beat for me
Be the voice a nation heeds
Lead us safely through the night
To the dawn's early light

words & music: chess ward September 11, 2009

Written exclusively for Governor Sarah Louise Palin who exemplifies the character, vision, & steadfast leadership that made our nation the greatest the world has ever known. Thank you for your service & bravery during these troubled times. You are the very essence of the
Heart of Freedom.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Goes With Coffee?

Green flannel shirts. Fire places with real wood (sad that I have to specify isn't it?). Brisk Autumn mornings. Anything surrounding the Christmas holidays. Sweaters. Classical music. Ducks on a pond. Cream & or sugar. A good book. A good laptop. The new fallen snow. Finals week! A road trip. Fox & Friends in the morning with your host Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocey, & Brian Kilmeade. Red flannel shirts. The month of October. A crescent moon. Jeans & a sweatshirt. The company of good friends. Randall L. Taylor. Snow capped mountains. Amber waves of grain. Thanksgiving. Pumpkin pie. Wooden floors with rugs. Making music. Bacon & eggs (over easy). A set of skis (& preferably an Aspen or a Vail to go along with that set of skis & cup o' joe!). Twitter. Tuna on toast & cole slaw if your George Castanza (from "The Opposite" Episode). Coffee filters (duh). Funnel cakes, Kettle corn, or one of those giant Turkey legs from "Gladfest" in Gladstone, Missouri. That Colombian gentleman with the big thick dark moustache walking along side his trusty loaded down mule. And last but not least...tin cans! That's right. Tin cans (okay aluminum based cans). Bring them back Folgers! I beg of thee!

Pictured: My mom's coffee mug from many years ago. Still in use today as you can clearly see!