Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You Dirty Dogs!

Their first bath & not a moment too soon. They smelled like rank, little, mobile, Texas style feed lots (shore 'nuff!). Just hope Mrs. Chessking doesn't mind the fact I bathed them in our tub ('ll be our little secret!). Oh well, as they always say, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. Which is why I enlisted 2 foot soldiers (Kristen & Caleb) while I mostly "barked" commands from afar (pardon the pun).

Just joking.

My shirt was completely soaked by the time it was all said & done & now my hands are itching off. A small price to pay for the loyal companionship they'll provide for years to come. Wooden shoe agree? ;-) woOF! WOOF!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Childlike Faith

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men.

Gospel of Luke 2: 8-14
From our family to yours: May God's blessings be yours this Christmas day & in the New Year to come.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Samuel & Sarah

Christmas may have come early for C & K squared, but it was darn near 20 years in the making for yours truly. That was the last time I was a proud dog owner. So with great anticipation & joy, Natalie & I surprised some very happy toe heads this morning with a couple of collars wrapped in a box. Then we all took a twenty minute drive to the city of Panhandle, TX, where we added two new members to the fam. "Samuel" (the dark one) is named after the Biblical well as the starting quarterback for the St. Louis Rams (hehehee). "Sarah" (white) I really need to explain the inspiration behind this name? (plus it's also a good Biblical name as well).

They are a Lab & Boxer mix, & are said to be good with children, & posses critical problem solving skills. Great. I guess this means they can help out with Kristen's homework math problems when I'm busy or stumped. Eh? ;-)

And so the journey begins. I admit, I got a little slushy ripping open my first bag of dried dog food since I can't remember. That all too familiar permeating aroma immediately took me back to my childhood days in southeastern Oklahoma, with my dog, "Angel".

How I miss her.

Take care of them while they're here. It goes by fast.

p.s. Happy Anniversary Natalie...we'll celebrate at some point when planets align & schedules allow. :0/

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Birthday Wishes

I won't bore you with yet another "In a perfect world..." song & dance, as we have all been down that elusive, disheartening road before (yawn, sleep, slumber, shut-eye, ZZzzz...).

That being acknowledged, I don't think it's asking too much to have a legitimate shot at eight uninterrupted hours of sleep, four nights a week, or enough financial cushion not sweat the electric bill, or the occasional value meal from Braum's- particularly when you have a high pressure terribly time consuming career that involves routine procedures like saving someone's life. Wooden shoe agree?

I also think it would be really groovy not to be treated like a dog. You know, with hateful condescending one word commands like "Sit!" or "Stay!"

And now that I think about it, it would be truly invigorating if there were a few hours in the day for an unhurried Birthday celebration... nothing elaborate, just some cake, ice cream perhaps, a nice quiet home cooked meal prior to, a few gifts...I dunno.

I think an 80 hour work week is also more than enough hours of work. Remember, we work to live, not the other way around.

I also sincerely believe that eight long years of formal training, serious debt with interest, & staying awake for over 30 consecutive hours on a weekly basis should also ensure that accusations like "slacker" don't get thrown our way.

I believe those that questioned our responsibility & commitment levels to our family & particularly, offspring, during ugly, lean years of preparation, need not expect the benefits of free as air medical care, or advice, any ol' time of day, once the degree & knowledge is attained.

When your daughter's Christmas choir concert has been on the calendar for several months, with enough notice, I think the parents should be able to attend the event without backlash/negative consequences from work...particularly when the concert itself is less than an hour in duration.

While I'm being Johny Raincloud, I also feel strongly that Doctors should be able to have time to eat a working lunch, as their digestive tracts have the same needs as yours & mine. Besides, I don't want a famished, grossly underpaid, sleep deprived, bitter Doctor cutting on me. Do you?

Lastly, a bathroom break say every 12 hours, would also be a nice perk to the gig.

So to Recap:

1.) No more than an 80 hour work week

2.) At least a shot at eight hours of sleep 4 nights (or days) a week (Cuz Momma always said if ya don't take care of yourself no one else will!)

3.) Small, no frills, yet unhurried Birthday Party (doesn't even have to be on the actual day as we're very flexible)

4.) Wages to equal the amount of work performed & years of training (I realize this is a lot to ask but the electric company nor landlord simply won't accept IOU's)

5.) Common decency from friends, family, & co-workers (not to be mistaken with "respect", "admiration", etc. -not asking for a butt kissing over here).

6.) Lunch

& last but not least...

7.) 1 bathroom break every 12 hours

While I'm dreaming, I'd also like a shiny new pony, the cure to AIDS, a BB gun rifle for Christmas, & peace in the Middle East.

For the record, my faith in the goodness & decency in my fellow man to do the right thing is at an all time low. Then again, maybe I just need a nap.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Chollies at Christmas

The finest children's Christmas special of all time bar none. I always appreciated & identified with Charlie Brown's melancholly tendencies. As stated in earlier blogs, I'll take the sincerity of a hurting soul (be it unpleasant) over contrived fabrication any day. I also dig the jazz (a first for its time btw for children's specials), the slighty out of tune kid's choir (adds depth, honesty, & color...three things today's recordings know nothing about), & of course snoopy's seamless moves on ice.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Artistry & Choreography

I distinctly remember sitting in front of the television set at my Mother-In-Law's home in the late summer of 1995, in Weatherford, Oklahoma, as the 1995 NFL season kicked off. It was one of the most lethargic, ho-hum, anticlimactic moments of my life, as it marked the first time in 15 years the NFL would be without the great one...the immortal Joe Montana, who had retired that previous off season.

I found myself staring off into space, wishing the meaningless game would hurry up & reach its conclusion (which is precisely the way my wife feels about any game involving a ball & a hired squad of overpaid, muscular goons).

It's probably the way the city of Chicago also felt after Jordan hung it up for good, as there are just some shoes that can never be filled.

That being acknowledged, I was once again reminded of such greatness last night. The New England Patriots are about the closest facsimile one will find to the 1980's 49ers Dynasty/finely tuned machine led by Unstoppable Joe.

I could brag about Tom "Terrific" Brady. I could go on & on about the aloof wizard/mad scientist, Bill Belichick, who conjurs up his terribly complex defensive schemes from the sidelines with the greatest of ease. I could also point out the Pats put Randy Moss, the best (& hands down most eccentric) receiver in the league, on the chop block earlier this season.

I could also add (am I boring you?) that the Patriot defense is very young & suspect, & their running game is comprised of anything but household names (aka "Danny Woodhead" Val: Who? Chess: Precisely!).

And all that being stated, they annihilated...a very, very, good football team last night in the New York Jets. And on a side note, thank goodness for the technology of pausing live T.V. or I would have never been able to witness the bloody execution (while flying solo with a house full of needy little ones & a wife on nights).

Artistry & Choreography are by no means two words that are synonymous with smash mouth, up the gut, pro football. But it's what your favorite blogger & mine appreciate most in the sport. And it was on full display yesterday evening in rare form.

Reminds me of how it wasn't good enough for Montana to hit Rice in stride on a go route in practice.


Coach Walsh wanted the ball to arrive on the top right hand corner of the "8" on Rice's jersey when the route was run to the right, & on the top right hand corner of the "0" of the jersey when the route was to the left.

That's deadly, eye of the needle, precision, folks. And Few there be that find it.

I'm not a huge Brady fan. His off the field decisions have disappointed me. Then again, my off the field decisions have disappointed me. To err is human...

Furthermore, last night was but one game. Anything can & will happen once the frigid playoffs in January arrive. But what I witnessed yesterday evening was nothing short of perfection. So for that, my hat is off to the New England organization.

We live in a world that not only celebrates, but relishes mediocrity (i.e. the music industry). So when the closest thing to "self actualization" comes along regardless the profession, I feel as though I'm witnessing a rare treat. Hence today's blog.