Monday, January 17, 2011

The Triumph of Ted Haggard

Many remember the tragic story of Ted Haggard, the pastor who grew a small church out of his home basement, into one of the largest mega churches in the World. Most know how he fell from grace several years ago, after his involvement with a male prostitute & illegal drugs- Juicy Tabloid material/Late Show fodder to be certain.

Most however, did not know the story of his long road to recovery, until yesterday evening, when The Learning Channel documented the recent successes in Pastor Ted's life.

At this point, you might be thinking, "Oh the hypocrisy", Or "Surrrrrre he's straight" (wink, wiNK), or "Scripture forbids a church leader from ever... yadi-yadi-yaduh" or even... "Elders of the church should be of one wife, blameless, tobacco & debt free, having never laid eyes on a Playboy magazine."

Yet we enthusiastically embrace stories in Scripture surrounding Rahab the Prostitute, King David the Womanizer, Noah the Boozer, & St. Paul, Author of much of the New Testament & oh yes...serial killer of Christians! Then we proudly exclaim "Such heroes of the faith!" As well as "God can restore & use anyone!" long as it's not someone in present day 21st Century America.

Many years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Pastor Ted. We have also spoken on the phone on more than one occasion (He couldn't believe my parents named me "Chess" ha!). And while admittedly, he has fallen well short of the Glory of God, so has George W. Bush, Billy Graham, The Dixie Chicks, The Statler Brothers, Pope Benedict XVI, Nancy Pelosi (ESPECIALLY Nancy Pelosi), Kobe Bryant, Lady Gaga, Michael Vick, Joe "Bob Uecker" Biden, & last & certainly least, yours truly! ;0)

I believe Haggard to be a sincere man. I believe his heart & intentions to be pure. I also happen to know first hand of the work his new church is accomplishing that has already positively impacted countless lives in his surrounding community.
So why won't NBC report about that? Not nearly as entertaining I'm guessing.

Finally, I dare say I appreciate Pastor Ted more now, as a broken vessel, than ever before. Why? Because brokenness yields the finest fruit. And Ted is no exception.

Brokenness matures our faith. It increases our compassion. It greatly expands our depth of understanding. And brokenness is God's specialty. I.E. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted & saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 NIV

But will he fall again? Of course. He's human. So will you. The difference is, CNN won't be at your doorstep after your indiscretion (Although they might should you ever decide to run for public office).

As Ted himself stated in the documentary- "It's time to move the story forward, or we die."

Turn the page America. Lest ye without sin cast the first stone.

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