Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taylor Made

In a most unusual turn of events yesterday, I had the rare (& I do mean rare) privilege to visit in person with old friends. Usually my home is quite dull during the day, almost libraryesque if you will (i.e. envision a bunch of chincy old timers sitting around reading free newspapers on a broom stick, trying to save a quarter, telling your kids to shush every 3 seconds).

But yesterday proved to be quite a different story.

There were giant teenagers defying gravity on our backyard trampoline. A sea of hot wheels cars were spread as far as the eye could see, just waiting to puncture Daddy's bare feet at three a.m. (Come to think, who needs ADT Home Security Services when you have sharp metal hot wheels cars randomly spread all over your entryway floor? Eh?) There were mini wii tournaments commencing. And last but not least, a chain gang of adults'll call him "Glenn," for the sake of anonymity, stretched from my overheated kitchen, down the hall, to my computer office, barking out the proper measurements on the website recipe for Dutch Oven Cornbread ( trust me, you haven't lived 'til you've experienced my Dutch Oven Cornbread, dawg) while your favorite blogger & mine finished smoking the finest bbq brisket this side of the Mississippi for lunch.

That's right folks, like the chivalrous Allies on the beaches of Normandy in '44, the Taylor's had invaded the West Texas panhandle!


Bitter sweet was our brief reunion, as their trip was not one of pleasure (very sick relative). Still, I'll take what I can get. It had been eight long years since the good Randall & I shared a laugh & a meal in person. I also finally met his wife for the first time & two youngest.

Man, I seriously, seriously, need to get out more.

But it's not in the cards I'm afraid. For the three L's prevent it from happening: Little time, Little resources, & Little one's.


Such is this season of life.

Here's hoping it won't be eight more years 'till our paths cross again.


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