Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You Dirty Dogs!

Their first bath & not a moment too soon. They smelled like rank, little, mobile, Texas style feed lots (shore 'nuff!). Just hope Mrs. Chessking doesn't mind the fact I bathed them in our tub ('ll be our little secret!). Oh well, as they always say, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. Which is why I enlisted 2 foot soldiers (Kristen & Caleb) while I mostly "barked" commands from afar (pardon the pun).

Just joking.

My shirt was completely soaked by the time it was all said & done & now my hands are itching off. A small price to pay for the loyal companionship they'll provide for years to come. Wooden shoe agree? ;-) woOF! WOOF!


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