Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Samuel & Sarah

Christmas may have come early for C & K squared, but it was darn near 20 years in the making for yours truly. That was the last time I was a proud dog owner. So with great anticipation & joy, Natalie & I surprised some very happy toe heads this morning with a couple of collars wrapped in a box. Then we all took a twenty minute drive to the city of Panhandle, TX, where we added two new members to the fam. "Samuel" (the dark one) is named after the Biblical Prophet...as well as the starting quarterback for the St. Louis Rams (hehehee). "Sarah" (white) is....do I really need to explain the inspiration behind this name? (plus it's also a good Biblical name as well).

They are a Lab & Boxer mix, & are said to be good with children, & posses critical problem solving skills. Great. I guess this means they can help out with Kristen's homework math problems when I'm busy or stumped. Eh? ;-)

And so the journey begins. I admit, I got a little slushy ripping open my first bag of dried dog food since I can't remember. That all too familiar permeating aroma immediately took me back to my childhood days in southeastern Oklahoma, with my dog, "Angel".

How I miss her.

Take care of them while they're here. It goes by fast.

p.s. Happy Anniversary Natalie...we'll celebrate at some point when planets align & schedules allow. :0/


  1. Yay!! Congratulations and enjoy them! And, Happy Anniversary, you two. It was a very good day, indeed.

  2. Thanks Shellie. And Merry Christmas to you & yours.

