Friday, August 20, 2010

Here In America

In the mid summer of 1998, I had the good fortune of spending a week on a Navajo Indian Reservation in Leupp, Arizona. I remember becoming quite anxious nearing our arrival about potential culture barriers & gaining the community's acceptance.

Fortunately, the Lord provided me a very teachable moment upon arrival, while conversing with the pastor of the church we would be working with.

I shared with him my concerns of the perception of bringing "white man's" religion to the reservation. He quickly corrected me stating "Christianity isn't white man's religion. Think of who & where it was founded & who its first followers were."

He was exactly right.

And just like that, the pressure was lifted off this pudgy white boy from Anytown, U.S.A.

So good to be reminded that regardless of location, skin color, nationality, etc., the love of Christ is for all.

Indeed, as the song below states..."The Holy King of Israel loves me America."

I'm posting this less than ideal recording over the studio version because in my humble but accurate opinion it's more raw & honest, & captures the essence of the song with just Rich at the ivories over the professionally produced version.

Just my $.02

Here's hoping the extraordinary lyrics of this song speak to you as much as they have to me over the course of this week.

Words & Music: Rich Mullins, for the album "Here in America" (c) 1986

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